My Beginnings, Your Beginnings, We all have to begin somewhere right?

I've entitled my first blog post on YourNewFaceOf50 "My Beginnings" Simply because this is were you have decided to come to for help on your journey to lose weight and get closer to the goals you want to achieve.  I had a beginning and so do you.  I want to start with letting you now that you can reach what ever goal you set for yourself.  Weather you want that body back that you had in your twenties or you just want to look great., here is were you begin.  I am a 54 year old women who just finished up her goal to compete for the title of Mrs. Virginia.  Now I didn't win the title, but I walked away with so much more.  I was 2nd runner up in the Mrs. Virginia America pageant and I beat out fourteen young and beautiful women.  They were twenty three years my junior. 

You see, that was kind of my beginning to reaching my goal of being in the best shape I could be in at my age.  I knew that my goal weight was 130lbs.  I haven't been that small since I was stressed out in my divorce a few years ago.  My journey was realistic to me, but deep inside, I wasn't really sure how I would reach it.  I went on my honey moon and gained 11lbs, I made a lot of mistakes along the way as far as it came to eating right.  I plateaued a few times and I even gave up once in awhile.  I was determined to make sure that when I walked on that stage at the Mrs. Virginia Pageant, I was going to win.  Win I didn't, but I did reach my weight goals.  

You see, just because I'm a personal trainer does not mean anything.  There are a lot of people who have a certification as a personal trainer, but just like anything, your passion has to fit the degree.  My passion to stay fit and healthy comes from seeing other women struggle with how to get motivated to reach a fitness goal.  I want to be that example.  I want to stand in front of everyone and prove that you can do what every you think you can't do.  My beginning was to compete for a crown.  Look deep inside of yourself and find what it is that you want in your life.  When you find that one thing, work hard to stay around to see it come true. - Katrina Spagnoletti


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